TOP 3 sites made in October 2023 by Wacademy students

top 3

websites of October

October 2023 Internships

The pages created in October are a true work of concentration, asking many questions and implementing answers.

We are happy that more young people have gained concrete experience in the industry, and their opportunities and prospects are constantly expanding.

Let’s take a look at the Top 3 sites from October!!! 😀

TOP 3 sites made in October 2023 post on Instagram
TOP 3 sites made in October 2023

A word from the creator:

The website I created was a challenge because the client wanted to create a platform for learning English. I created a website that was supposed to be clear and pleasant for the recipient. It was a lot of work, but the client likes the effect, so it was worth it!

Fabula coaching website built by Wacademy students

A word from the creator:

Creating a website for FabulaCoaching involved a lot of creativity on my part. The client helps women find their self-confidence and cope with stress. I believe that the client’s business is very important and helpful. That’s why I gave my all when creating the project. I am proud that I can add this website to my portfolio.

A word from the creator:

I really enjoy creating flower shop websites, so creating this one was a lot of fun. The client chose non-standard colors, but everyone likes the end result. I hope it will serve the client in business development.

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