Accordion (a great element for creating FAQ)

How to Add an Accordion for FAQ in Elementor

Accordion (a great element for creating FAQ)

1. When we open the page in Elementor, search for the “Accordion” element in the sidebar.

2. Left-click on the “Accordion” element – marked “1”.

3. Drag it, e.g. under the text – marked “2”.

4. Click on “Accordion #1” – marked “1”.

5. Change the name to any frequently asked question – marked “2”.

6. Add the content of the response – marked “3”.

7. In the “Style” tab, we edit the font and color of the title to match the rest of the text on our website and we have the switch ready 🙂

8. Of course, after everything, do not forget to click “Update”.

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