Top websites created by WAcademy students July 2024

top 3

websites of july

July 2024

In July, the interns focused on data analytics and SEO within WordPress. They explored various analytics tools to understand user behavior and improve site performance.

They also learned SEO techniques like keyword research and on-page optimization to enhance their WordPress websites’ visibility and search rankings. By the end of the month, they were skilled in creating WordPress sites that effectively attract and engage users.

Top websites created by WAcademy students July 2024
Wacademy TOP 3 sites made in July 2024

A word from the creator:

The creation of the Respect4Details website involved a detailed process of design and development to ensure a user-friendly experience that reflects the brand’s commitment to excellence. I focused on building a sleek and modern interface, combined with intuitive navigation, to make it easy for users to explore services. I also focused on vivid colors to emphasize the style of the website and match the client’s logo.
Wacademy TOP 3 sites made in July 2024

A word from the creator:

I created the website with great joy. It has combined my two passions of dogs and creating websites.
Wacademy TOP 3 sites made in July 2024

A word from the creator:

I’m just starting my adventure with websites. I can already say that I would like to do it for the rest of my life!

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