Satisfaction Guarantee​

As WAcademy we stand behind the websites created by our students and aim to bring your vision online with each website we complete. We believe in the training we give to our students and work done by them. We also understand you. You might be hesitant to start this journey with us and acquire a hosting plan, before seeing the final results on your website. Therefore, we provide you a satisfaction guarantee, so you can put your mind at ease.

If you are not happy with the final version of the website, all you have to do is to notify your project manager in 5 (five) working days with an explanation on why you are not satisfied with the student work.

That’s it!

We will create another version of the website in 7 (seven) working days or refund you the hosting costs you incurred. So, you are covered. We want you to feel safe to start this process and minimize the risks for you. At the end of this process, you either have a website you are happy to use to build your online presence or have the hosting costs you incurred returned to you.